
A Master of Science in Computer Science Graduate with a knack for problem-solving, passionate about developing solutions using and learning the latest object-oriented programming techniques and software engineering methodologies with Extensive experience in developing full stack applications and microservices in MERN, PERN stack and Spring boot.

Download my resumé.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud Computing
  • Big data
  • Web Developement
  • Front-end Developement
  • Back-end Development
  • MS in Computer Science GPA- 4.0/4.0, 2021-2022

    The University of Texas at Arlington

  • BE in Computer Engineering, 2014-2018

    University of Mumbai



Hands on experience developing robust backend application and microservices RESTFUL API using Java 1.8 and 1.11 technologies and framework such as Spring Boot, Hibernate, JUnit, Spring Data with build automation tools such as Maven and Gradle.


Developed Single Page Applications using React 16 features such as react routers, Hooks, async & wait and libraries such as redux, Axios, Zod, Nextjs, Chakra UI.


Used Angular6 to build high-quality, scalable and reusable components and Front-end solution.


Expertise in Node.js frameworks such as Express.js for building web applications and for real-time communication, also proficient in using Mongoose for working with MongoDB databases and OAuth 2.0 for authentication.


Strong knowledge of SQL, PL/SQL and with databases like Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL and in In-Memory Databases like Redis and Memcached.


Developed various academic projects using Python libraries such as NumPy and Pandas for data manipulation and analysis, Matplotlib for data visualization, and Scikit-learn for ML modeling, also proficient in using deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and Keras for neural network development

Cloud Computing

Worked with Amazon AWS and Azure Cloud Services, (EC2, S3, ECS, Beanstalk, EKS, CloudWatch, VPC, Azure App Service, Azure VM)

Web Developement

Used JavaScript libraries to simplify Front-end complexities such as jQuery, Typescript, D3js.


Deployed application using Docker tools such as Docker Compose for multi-container application deployments and Docker Swarm for orchestration, also proficient in using Kubernetes for managing containerized applications."


Used GIT as source code collaborator and GitHub for maintaining code and documentation


Graduate Teaching Assistant
The University of Texas at Arlington
Sep 2021 – Dec 2022 Arlington, Texas
•  Teaching assistant for Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Cloud Computing and Machine learning at UTA.

• Prepare, present and guide students through Algorithms based assignments, Creatively instill Algorithms foundations in students for future computer science classes, Proctoring 55+ students and grading exam paper

• Respond to students’ emails quickly and respectfully with suggestions and actions necessary to complete labs
Full Stack Developer
Feb 2020 – Sep 2020 Pune, India

• Developed dashboards and Single Page Applications using React reusable components and Utilized react hooks and express Js to build microservices in Node JS while using NPM as package manager.

• Responsible for developing and maintaining 5 Microservices from scratch using Spring Boot enabled REST API

• Employed SLF4j to logs and errors and configured CloudWatch tool for performance monitor

• Utilized Elastic Container Service and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build and deploy to AWS EC2 Instance

• Tech: Java 1.8, Spring Boot, Angular, jQuery, TypeScript, Node JS, NPM, Express.js, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Kafka,Splunk, spock framework, Karma, SLF4j, JBoss, Maven, Git, CloudWatch, Docker, AWS Lambda, Elastic Container Service, EC2

Junior Software developer
Annet technologies
Jun 2020 – Aug 2020 Estonia (remote)

• Employed a scalable microservice architecture with Spring Boot-based services that communicated with each other via a combination of RESTful APIs and Apache Kafka message brokers

• Used PostgreSQL as database and involved in the development of PL/SQL backend implementation

• Tech: Java 1.6/1.8, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Spring Boot, Spring Actuator, AWS Cloud, RabbitMQ, JMS, Slf4j, Junit, Gradle, PostgreSQL.
